How it Works

The Problem

Food: we all think about it, we all need it. It’s such an important part of our everyday lives. It’s something we all share in common and it brings our families together at the end of a long day.

Food is one of our most basic needs, yet it has become one of the most complicated problems in our world today.

Food scarcity is a huge problem, there are millions of people living in hunger. Many of these people aren’t far away from us or out of reach. Many are children living with families who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. As earth’s population grows faster than ever, our land available for farming keeps shrinking smaller and smaller.

Even those who are well informed or educated about food find it difficult or impossible sometimes to know where our food has come from, how it’s been handled, or what’s been added to it by the time it reaches our tables.

Many people believe that locally-based approaches to food production are a large part of the answer, but with people flooding to our urban centers how can we grow food where the people are?

The Solution

Agrowponics started as an educational research project. The goal of the system was twofold:

  1. To provide a sustainable business plan and educational opportunity for aquaponics and hydroponics, and
  2. To build a customizable unit which could be deployed worldwide to provide food and business opportunities in developing nations.

The system was designed to meet multiple criteria:

  • Vertical column growing towers (to minimize environmental footprint).
  • Off-grid power (for worldwide use).
  • Full greenhouse enclosure (for longer growing season).
  • Modular components (for easy repair or customization).
  • Automated controller (with data collection and internet connectivity to aid remote troubleshooting).

Following the project’s completion, videos were posted online showing others how the system was made. Over time, the videos became popular on YouTube with hundreds of thousands of views, and eventually, Agrowponics was established as a company with the mission to impact world hunger and food quality. Currently, Agrowponics has our vertical growing towers (‘Agrow-Towers’) for sale here on the website. In the near future, we plan to release systems for sale on our website for both commercial and consumer use. In the meantime, if you’d like to custom order a system, please contact us at for details. 

At Agrowponics, our goal is to empower local farmers and gardening enthusiasts with better methods for local-based approaches to food production. Without you, our mission wouldn’t be possible, so we want to say a special thanks for visiting our site and supporting our products.

Here’s to a healthier living,

The Agrowponics Team.